When is the season for diving in Amami Oshima? A comprehensive list of recommended shops and their reputations and reviews!

On this page, Kagoshima Prefecture remote islands Diving in Amami Oshima Experience Tour Special feature!
Popular reservation rankings and recommended diving shops list We will thoroughly introduce information that will be useful for beginners, such as reputation, reviews, and cheap plans.
In addition, we will introduce places where you can swim with sea turtles, as well as seasonal water and air temperatures. Check out the basics of diving in Amami Oshima Let's do it.
table of contents
- 1 Amami Oshima Diving Experience Tour Popularity Ranking
- 2 Recommended plan for Amami Oshima diving experience tour
- 3 Types of Amami Oshima Diving Experience Tours
- 4 Diving spots on Amami Oshima
Diving season and period in Amami Oshima
- 5.1 Features of Amami Oshima diving in January and February
- 5.2 Features of Amami Oshima diving in March and April
- 5.3 Features of Amami Oshima diving in May and June
- 5.4 Features of Amami Oshima diving in July and August
- 5.5 Features of Amami Oshima diving in September and October
- 5.6 Features of Amami Oshima diving in November and December
- 6 Average annual temperature and water temperature of Amami Oshima
Amami Oshima diving shop list
- 7.1 Uni Mare Amami Guide & Massage Shop
- 7.2 Amami Diving School HAGE MARINE
- 7.3 Zero Gravity Amami Oshima
- 7.4 Diving & Canoe Coral Chaya
- 7.5 DiveService BlueGate
- 7.6 Diving shop Neverland
- 7.7 SeaGoblin's
- 7.8 Diving shop Lupra
- 7.9 Dive Species Amami
- 7.10 Seed Dream Okinoerabu
- 7.11 Diving service Stagione
- 7.12 Amami Oshima Diving Shop Aqua Dive Koholo
- 7.13 RELAX diving service
- 7.14 GT Divers Okinoerabujima
- 7.15 Native Sea AMAMI
- 7.16 Marine sports Amami
- 7.17 Diving Service TEEDA
- 7.18 Diving & Pension RIKI
- 7.19 Marine Station AMAMI Co., Ltd.
- 7.20 Amami Oshima Diving Endless Blue
- 8 Editorial department recommended feature article
Amami Oshima Diving Experience Tour Popularity Ranking
まずはじめに、アクティビティジャパン最新予約データに基づく" Amami Oshima Diving Experience Tour Popularity Ranking I will introduce.
初心者向けの" Experience diving 」やライセンス保持者向けの" Fan diving 」のおすすめExperience Tourが上Rankにランクインしています.
Tour contents and fees (prices), Check out the reviews and testimonials Please use this to help you compare plans.
- 5.0
- (29 reviews and experiences)
Amami Oshimaを満喫できる人気のツアー!普段から奄美の自然の中にいるから出来るガイドとゆったりの珊瑚茶屋の雰囲気は来た人だけが分かるツアーis.Experience divingでもしっかり海を満喫できるよう本格的なダイビングを出来るように心がけています
[Kagoshima/Amami Oshima] Fun diving plan 1 boat dive, 2 boat dives, 3 boat dives
[Main flow] Move to the point by boat ⇒ Briefing ⇒ Start to end of diving ⇒ To port (For 1 boat dive. For 2 boat dives Lunch ⇒ Move to point ⇒ Start to end of dive ⇒ To port. 3 dives move further points )
【Kagoshima・Amami Oshima】Experience divingプラン(半日)★所要時間:約3時間★
[Main flow] Move to the diving point by boat or car ⇒ Diving explanation ⇒ Start and end of diving ⇒ Move to Koniya by boat or car ⇒ Take a bath and finish
【Kagoshima・Amami Oshima】ライセンス取得!ダイビングを本格的に楽しもうオープンウォーターダイバーコース
【Kagoshima・Amami Oshima】初心者でも安心!奄美の海を堪能しよう!Experience diving
Experience divingはBeach entryとBoat Entryをお選びいただけます.遠浅のビーチで楽しんでも良いですし、もう少し遠くへ行きたい方はダイビング専用ボートで潜りたいポイントへご案内いたします.
【Kagoshima・Amami Oshima】昼間とは違う奄美の海を巡る!ナイトダイビング
【Kagoshima・Amami Oshima】ダイビングポイント多数のAmami Oshimaを満喫!Fan diving
【Kagoshima県・大島郡】ビギナー向け!透明感あふれるIn Amami OshimaFan diving!
【Kagoshima県・大島郡】初心者向け!奄美の海を優雅に満喫しようExperience diving!
RELAXでteeth,"旅行のオプションとしてダイビングをしてみたい」"ダイビングはしてみたいけど、いきなりライセンス取得はちょっと・・・」といった方に"Experience diving」というかたちで、奄美の海をご案内しています.
【Amami Oshima南部】Yachtクルーズ+Fan diving
Amami Oshima南部でダイビング.安全で綺麗なサンゴ礁へボートで楽に行きます.アフターダイブは大島海峡を優雅な気分でYachtクルーズ.(ビーチダイブコースもございます)
Recommended plan for Amami Oshima diving experience tour

" Amami Oshima I want to go diving, but what kind of plan would you recommend? I think there are many people who are lost in choosing a plan.
Next, Amami Oshima Diving Experience Tourをお探しの初心者・未見者に向けて" Amami Oshima Diving Experience Tour Recommended Plan We will introduce carefully selected.
Plans with good reviews and reviews Please find your favorite plan from among and enjoy diving in Amami Oshima.
Recommended for those who want to enjoy only diving!
[Kagoshima / Amami Oshima / First underwater experience! ] Reliable experience diving! !!
- 5.0
- (14 reviews and experiences)
This course is enjoyed by beginners who do not have a license. We will choose a place with calm sea conditions, so even those who are diving in the sea for the first time can enjoy it with confidence. Please experience the mystery of breathing in the water and the beauty of the fish swimming in front of you! The time required is about 2 hours including preparation and explanation.
In Amami OshimaExperience diving !ウミガメとの出会いを求めて(半日or1日)
- 5.0
- (4 reviews / experiences)
【 完全貸切の安心Guide 】・集合から解散までが約3時間のツアーis.・8歳から50歳までの健康な方が参加できます.・水温の気にならないApril~November頃までは動きやすいウェットスーツで.寒さの気になるDecember~March頃は体の濡れない、寒くならないドライスーツで1年中ツアーを行っています.・説明もゆっく
スーパーサマーセール2024【Kagoshima・Amami Oshima】Experience diving(半日コース) 体験でも本格的noneっかりダイビング
- 4.9
- (5 reviews and experiences)
Diving slowly in the sea of Amami Oshima. Experience diving is not the same at any shop. Sango Chaya has things that other shops cannot imitate.
- 5.0
- (2 reviews / experiences)
"The charm of the southern Amami sea" The inland sea (Oshima Strait) sandwiched between Amami Oshima and Kakeroma Island is intricate like a rias coast, so various underwater environments and a wide variety of coral reefs and colorful tropical fish inhabit. There are many places where sea turtles rest and feed, so it's not uncommon to encounter sea turtles♪★Experience beach diving★
A value set plan where you can fully enjoy Amami Oshima!
- 5.0
- (29 reviews and experiences)
Amami Oshimaを満喫できる人気のツアー!普段から奄美の自然の中にいるから出来るガイドとゆったりの珊瑚茶屋の雰囲気は来た人だけが分かるツアーis.Experience divingでもしっかり海を満喫できるよう本格的なダイビングを出来るように心がけています
【Amami Oshima・北部中部エリア・完全貸切!】Experience diving&ネイチャーツアー選べる3プラン
- 5.0
- (3 reviews and testimonials)
3つのネイチャーコースを設けていますので、ご希望のプランをお選びください.ツアーは完全貸切で満足度UP、間違いnone!①Experience diving&奄美絶景フォトツアー②Experience diving&原生林マングローブカヌーツアー③Experience diving&原生林の滝を訪れる森林浴トレッキング(アクティブorお散歩or浸かるコース)※A
【Amami Oshima・北部・外洋エリア】スキンダイビング&Experience diving | 奄美の海、1日満喫プラン!
- 5.0
- (2 reviews / experiences)
奄美の海.グラデーション綺麗な絶景ビーチから入ってゆく初めての方向け、スキンダイビングとExperience divingのツアーを1年中開催中!水温の高い夏場(April~November)は動きやすいウェットスーツで.寒さの気になる冬場(December~March)は暖かい日以外は基本的に寒くならないドライスーツで海の中へ!※スキンダイビングの
【Amami Oshima・北部・外洋エリア】Snorkeling&Experience divingツアー | ~ウミガメ&サンゴ・魚たちとの出会いを求めて非日常の世界へ~
- 5.0
- (1 review / experience)
奄美の海.グラデーション綺麗な絶景ビーチから入ってゆく初めてでもOKなシュノーケル&Experience divingのツアーを1年中開催中!水温の高い夏場(April~November)は動きやすいウェットスーツで.シュノーケルはJune~October初旬までは水着でOKです!寒さの気になる冬場(December~March)は暖かい日以外は基本的に寒くなら
Recommended for those looking for a cheap plan!
Experience divingの安いプラン
【Kagoshima・Amami Oshima】学生さんいらっしゃ~い!お得に潜れるExperience diving
学生さん向けのお得な割引プラン!・海の世界をのぞいてみたい・Amami Oshimaに来た思い出にExperience divingをしてみたい・ライセンスを取る前に一度やってみたい・友達がやっていて、自分もやってみたい上記にあてはまっても違う理由でもとにかく"やってみたい」という気持ちがあれば、誰にでもオススメis.※前日の夕方ごろ
スーパーサマーセール2024【Kagoshima・Amami Oshima】Experience diving(半日コース) 体験でも本格的noneっかりダイビング
- 4.9
- (5 reviews and experiences)
Diving slowly in the sea of Amami Oshima. Experience diving is not the same at any shop. Sango Chaya has things that other shops cannot imitate.
Fan divingの安いプラン
【Kagoshima県・大島郡】ビギナー向け!透明感あふれるIn Amami OshimaFan diving!
【Kagoshima・沖永良部島】初心者からベテランダイバーまで楽しめる沖永良部島の追加1ボートFan diving!
Types of Amami Oshima Diving Experience Tours

One of the best in Japan It is known as a famous diving spot. Amami Oshima .
" In Amami Oshimaは初心者でもダイビングができる? Many people may be researching the eligibility requirements for participating in diving experience tours, such as:
Amami Oshima Diving The experience tour is completely There are three types of courses for various levels, from beginners to intermediate and advanced. are classified into the following courses.
From here, Introducing the three course types and popular reservation rankings We will continue to do so.
Amami OshimaのExperience diving
Experience diving とteeth,ダイビングライセンスが無くても参加できるダイビングExperience Tourのことis.
日本国内で屈指の絶景ダイビングSpot一つに数えられるIn Amami Oshimateeth, 観光客や初心者に向けたExperience divingツアー are being held with great vigor.
As a marine leisure activity during your trip to Amami Oshima You can enjoy a spectacular diving experience with ease.
Amami OshimaのExperience divingツアー人気ランキング
- 5.0
- (29 reviews and experiences)
Amami Oshimaを満喫できる人気のツアー!普段から奄美の自然の中にいるから出来るガイドとゆったりの珊瑚茶屋の雰囲気は来た人だけが分かるツアーis.Experience divingでもしっかり海を満喫できるよう本格的なダイビングを出来るように心がけています
【Kagoshima・Amami Oshima】Experience divingプラン(半日)★所要時間:約3時間★
[Main flow] Move to the diving point by boat or car ⇒ Diving explanation ⇒ Start and end of diving ⇒ Move to Koniya by boat or car ⇒ Take a bath and finish
【Kagoshima・Amami Oshima】初心者でも安心!奄美の海を堪能しよう!Experience diving
Experience divingはBeach entryとBoat Entryをお選びいただけます.遠浅のビーチで楽しんでも良いですし、もう少し遠くへ行きたい方はダイビング専用ボートで潜りたいポイントへご案内いたします.
Recommended Feature Articles
Amami OshimaのFan diving
Fan diving とteeth,ダイビングライセンス(Cカード)を取得済みのダイバーを参加対象とするダイビングExperience Tourのことis.
Dubbing license Tours are held according to grade (class) You can dive at many popular diving spots scattered around the waters off Amami Oshima.
In addition to the instructor's guide and lectures, Diving equipment can also be rented So you can enjoy diving empty-handed.
Amami OshimaのFan divingツアー人気ランキング
[Kagoshima/Amami Oshima] Fun diving plan 1 boat dive, 2 boat dives, 3 boat dives
[Main flow] Move to the point by boat ⇒ Briefing ⇒ Start to end of diving ⇒ To port (For 1 boat dive. For 2 boat dives Lunch ⇒ Move to point ⇒ Start to end of dive ⇒ To port. 3 dives move further points )
【Kagoshima・Amami Oshima】昼間とは違う奄美の海を巡る!ナイトダイビング
【Kagoshima・Amami Oshima】ダイビングポイント多数のAmami Oshimaを満喫!Fan diving
Diving license course in Amami Oshima
Diving license course とteeth,ダイビングライセンス(Cカード)の取得を目指すダイビングExperience Tourのことis.
ダイビングのメッカとして知られるIn Amami Oshimateeth, Minimum 2-day course schedule There are tours available where you can obtain a license.
In addition, we aim for higher grades (ranks), level-ups, and skill-ups. Plans for licensed divers are also available. It has been.
Amami Oshima Diving License Course Tour Popularity Ranking
【Kagoshima・Amami Oshima】ライセンス取得!ダイビングを本格的に楽しもうオープンウォーターダイバーコース
- 5.0
- (1 review / experience)
Home course at the free site. This is the most common two-day beginner's course for getting a dive license. There is no additional charge until you receive a license card.
[Kagoshima, Amami Oshima, license acquisition! ] PADI Advanced Open Water Course (2 days)
This is the next step for those who have completed the open water course. This is a course where you can apply the basic knowledge and skills you have acquired, and acquire experience and skills that are one rank higher while having fun. *2 days required
Recommended Feature Articles
さらに、In Amami Oshima開催されるダイビングExperience Tourには" Beach entry "When" Boat Entry There are two types:
Amami OshimaのBeach entry (beach diving)
Beach entry (beach diving) とteeth,砂浜などの陸地から海に入るスキューバダイビングのエントリー方法is.
Gradually enter the ocean from shallow areas ので、泳ぎが苦手な方やボートでの船酔いが心配な方などにおすすめis.
Amami OshimaのBoat entry (boat diving)
Boat entry (boat diving) とteeth,ボート(船)に乗ってポイント付近まで行き、船上から海に入るスキューバダイビングのエントリー方法is.
Topographical features that can only be found offshore, and marine life that can only be found offshore を見られることがメリットis.
Diving spots on Amami Oshima
Kagoshima県沖南方に浮かぶ島々・奄美群島に属する Amami Oshima teeth, Of all the remote islands in Japan, this island has a vast area of 712.4 km², second only to Sado Island in Niigata. has.
Therefore, the accompanying sea area is also vast and surrounds the island. There are many scuba diving spots in the Pacific Ocean and the East China Sea. there is.
4 areas: northern East China Sea, central East China Sea, southern East China Sea, and northern Pacific Ocean Each area is dotted with spectacular scuba diving spots.
In the following, Characteristics and attractions of scuba diving spots on Amami Oshima Let's take a look at each area.
Diving spots in the northern East China Sea
The northern part of the East China Sea, which is affected by the Kuroshio Current, Tropical emerald blue sea and abundant marine life が多く見られるスキューバダイビングスポットis.
Inner bay boat point where common shikoro coral and colorful fish inhabit Many famous diving points such as "Big Buddha Coral" Have.
In addition, the water depth is shallow as well as the open ocean and inner bay points. There is a beach point where even beginners can enjoy diving safely It is also a feature.
Main diving spots and points
Big Buddha Coral / Kurasaki Beach / Piategri / Midoriya / Yamamoto Special / etc.
Diving spots in the central East China Sea
While the northern East China Sea has an inner bay point, All diving spots in the central East China Sea are open ocean にあることが特徴is.
Therefore, it is recommended for intermediate and above anglers to visit unique topographical points, caves, and spots where you can encounter large fish. Diving spots for divers It can be said.
You can see butterflyfish and other species here. Amami Oshimaを代表するダイビングポイントの一つ"デッショ」 はこの東シナ海中部Belongs to.
Main diving spots and points
Fashion / Small World / Garden Garden / Small Minami / GW Rock / etc.
Diving spots in the southern East China Sea
Diving points in the southern East China Sea include: The Oshima Strait that flows between Amami Oshima and Kakeromajima Spreads around.
There are many spots where you can enjoy the dynamic terrain, making it one of the most popular diving spots on Amami Oshima. "奄美ホール」も東シナ海南部 Belongs to.
In addition, the Oshima Strait is not easily affected by the weather. You can dive regardless of the season This is also a feature of diving spots in the southern East China Sea.
Main diving spots and points
Amami Hall / Hitotsuse / Kamese / In front of Hara Resort / Yamatohama / Kuse / Triangle Rock / etc.
Diving spots in the northern Pacific Ocean
The northern Pacific Ocean is the same as the central East China Sea All diving spots are in the open ocean Its characteristics include:
Not to mention colorful fish and coral reefs, High probability of encountering wild sea turtles Known as a diving spot.
Among the diving spots on Amami Oshima 屈指の人気を誇る"三ツ瀬」 があるのもこの太平洋北部エリアis.
Main diving spots and points
W Arch / Ichitase / Five Yen Coin / Mitsuse / 3-chome / 4-chome / Kasari Hall / etc.
The scuba diving tours offered by the diving shops on Amami Oshima are Select the best location for that time and hold the event will be done.
If you have already decided on the dive spot or point you want to dive at, be sure to consult with the shop, instructors, and staff in advance.
What is the Amami Oshima crop circle?
What is the "crop circle" that can be seen when diving in Amami Oshima? A spawning site created by Amami Hoshizora pufferfish (a new species registered in 2014) About.
on the sandy bottom of the sea Complex radial pattern It is a phenomenon seen in diving on Amami Oshima, which is named after it.
Crop circles can be seen in the waters near Amami Oshima, From April to August, which is the spawning season of Amami Hoshizora pufferfish season.
During the period, for license divers holding C cards Fan diving tours are held and popular are collecting.
Diving tour including crop circles
【Kagoshima・Amami Oshima】穏やかな大島海峡の海でFan diving(2ダイブ)・少人数制で実施!
Introducing the sea of macro heaven, including the creatures unique to Amami Oshima. Of course, there are terrain and wide areas, so let's enjoy fun diving in the calm waters of the Oshima Strait all year round. We are also accepting requests, so please feel free to tell us what creatures you want to see and where you want to go. From spring to summer, the Amami Hoshizorafugu crop circle (
Diving season and period in Amami Oshima

It has a subtropical marine temperate climate. Amami Oshima So, regardless of the season, spring, summer, autumn or winter, You can enjoy scuba diving all year round is.
On top of that A different underwater world for each season を魅せてくれることもAmami Oshimaスキューバダイビングの魅力の一つis.
In the following, Amami Oshima Diving Spot Seasonal features and recommended points I will summarize.
Features of Amami Oshima diving in January and February
January and February are the seasons in which you can see sea turtles and sea slugs, which are the most transparent seas of the year. Because it is also the time when the north wind blows strongly The main field is the diving spot on the Pacific side It will be.
Features of Amami Oshima diving in March and April
In March and April, the northerly wind in winter changes to an eastern wind. Season to dive in the diving spot on the East China Sea side It will be. After April, you will be able to see the "mystery circle" on the bottom of the Oshima Strait.
Features of Amami Oshima diving in May and June
In Amami Oshima, both the temperature and water temperature are high. Great season to enjoy scuba diving is. It is also the spawning season for colorful fish and coral, and if you are lucky, you can see the humpback hatching.
Features of Amami Oshima diving in July and August
In Amami Oshima Best season to enjoy scuba diving It can be said that it is July and August. In addition to diving in almost all diving spots, it is a season when the encounter rate with swarms of Pyramid butterflyfish and large migratory fish is high.
Features of Amami Oshima diving in September and October
From September / October, there are more days when you can't go out to the open sea, but there are still more days. Enjoy scuba diving warmly and comfortably Season. It is the season when you can see rare crustaceans such as beedro cacre shrimp, shrimp shrimp, and hymenocera picta.
Features of Amami Oshima diving in November and December
At Amami Oshima, which has high temperatures and water temperatures, you can enjoy diving with a wet suit even in November and December, which are the winter seasons. Also When the sea is highly transparent However, there is also a point where you can meet green turtles with a good probability.
Average annual temperature and water temperature of Amami Oshima

Next, Amami Oshima This is an important point for enjoying diving. 年間平均気温とAverage water temperature Check it out.
Amami Oshima Diving Experience tours reach peak demand season JulyからSeptemberteeth,気温・水温ともに高く快適に海に潜ることができる季節 is.
Moon | Average maximum temperature | Average minimum temperature | Average water temperature |
January | 16 ℃ | 10 ℃ | 19 ℃ |
February | 17 ℃ | 11 ℃ | 19 ℃ |
March | 19 ℃ | 12 ℃ | 20 ℃ |
April | 22 ℃ | 15 ℃ | 21 ℃ |
May | 25 ℃ | 18 ℃ | 22 ℃ |
June | 28 ℃ | 12 ℃ | 25 ℃ |
July | 31 ℃ | 24 ℃ | 29 ℃ |
August | 31 ℃ | 24 ℃ | 29 ℃ |
September | 29 ℃ | 23 ℃ | 29 ℃ |
October | 26 ℃ | 19 ℃ | 27 ℃ |
November | 22 ℃ | 16 ℃ | 23 ℃ |
December | 18 ℃ | 12 ℃ | 21 ℃ |
In Amami Oshima開催されるダイビングExperience Tourteeth,その季節、その日の Select the best spot according to the sea conditions It will be held as follows.
Have questions? You can also consult with the dive shop in advance. is.
Amami Oshima diving shop list
最後に、現在アクティビティジャパンでオンライン予約を受け付けている" Amami Oshima Diving Shop list I will introduce.
所在地(住所)やbusiness hours・Regular holidayをはじめ、取り扱いアクティビティExperience Tourの評判は以下のショップリンクよりご確認いただけます.
- 4.9
- (60 reviews)
- Kyushu
- Kagoshima
- Amami Oshima Islands, Okinoerabujima
- Snorkeling
- Canoe / kayak
- Trekking (climbing / hiking)
[UNIMARE] = One with the sea, one with nature ~Activity&Relaxation~ ゲストと自然の繋がりをテーマにした体感型エコツアーショップ."インタープリテーション」=旅の後の日常も特別の連続に=大自然の中で、心奪われる景色、音色、風を感じ、素晴らしい旅の時間を.
- 3.2
- (6 reviews)
- Kyushu
- Kagoshima
- Amami Oshima Islands, Okinoerabujima
- SUP (SUP) stand-up paddle board
- Yacht
- Snorkeling
"Hagemarin" is a diving school on the south side of Amami Oshima, which is in the middle of Kagoshima and Okinawa. Amami Oshima diving, snorkeling Southern Amami, Oshima Strait A service where you can enjoy a leisurely sailing cruise on a yacht! The only yacht that runs in the wind is the sound of the wind and waves. There is no engine vibration, sound, or smell, and you can enjoy moving comfortably.
- 4.8
- (12 reviews)
- Kyushu
- Kagoshima
- Amami Oshima Islands, Okinoerabujima
- SUP (SUP) stand-up paddle board
- Wake Board
- Snorkeling
An underwater world freed from the constraints of gravity ... Zero Gravity Shimizu Villa is a specialized facility where people with disabilities can enjoy marine sports with peace of mind. Not only accommodation facilities, but also our own ship and pool are all designed to be barrier-free, so anyone can use them with peace of mind. In addition, an instructor with abundant specialized knowledge will accompany you one-on-one to protect your safe and secure trip.
- 4.9
- (77 reviews)
- Kyushu
- Kagoshima
- Amami Oshima Islands, Okinoerabujima
- Snorkeling
- Canoe / kayak
- Experience diving (beginner OK)
After working as a diver, there are a lot of tours made from the idea of "I want you to see the goodness of Amami Oshima" recommended by the master who is now a diving instructor and a mangrove canoe guide in Amami Oshima!
- 4.9
- (17 reviews)
- Kyushu
- Kagoshima
- Amami Oshima Islands, Okinoerabujima
- Whale watching
- Experience diving (beginner OK)
- Obtaining a diving license
The sea of Amami Oshima, which has a wide variety of underwater environments, has dynamic points of drop-off from the calm points of the inner bay, and you can observe and photograph underwater creatures adapted to each environment, of course, beginners and blanks. There are many points that divers can enjoy diving with peace of mind, and the sea is deep and never boring. That is the sea of Amami Oshima!
- 4.6
- (10 reviews)
- Kyushu
- Kagoshima
- Amami Oshima Islands, Okinoerabujima
- Snorkeling
- Experience diving (beginner OK)
- Obtaining a diving license
Neverland is a diving shop in Amami Oshima! Business will start in December 2017 at a newly built store! Enjoy Amami Oshima with comfortable facilities and the location of the sea in front of you.
- Kyushu
- Kagoshima
- Amami Oshima Islands, Okinoerabujima
- Snorkeling
- Experience diving (beginner OK)
- Fun diving (license required)
We would like to provide the best time with the motto of enjoying slowly and safely with a small number of people.
- Kyushu
- Kagoshima
- Amami Oshima Islands, Okinoerabujima
- Whale watching
- Experience diving (beginner OK)
- Fun diving (license required)
Amami Oshima, a World Natural Heritage Site, has the most beautiful sea. A lot of colorful fish with the blessings of the Kuroshio Current. The transparent transparency is exactly Amami Blue. Experience diving and snorkeling courses that even beginners can participate in. If you have a license, enjoy the sea with a fan diving course. We also hold a whale watching course where you can meet whales for a limited time from January to March. The ship is guided by a cruiser boat with a cabin and a toilet and shower.
- Kyushu
- Kagoshima
- Amami Oshima Islands, Okinoerabujima
- Snorkeling
- Whale watching
- Experience diving (beginner OK)
- Kyushu
- Kagoshima
- Amami Oshima Islands, Okinoerabujima
- Experience diving (beginner OK)
- Obtaining a diving license
- Fun diving (license required)
"Seed Dream Okinoerabu" on Okinoerabu Island, Amami Islands, Kagoshima Prefecture, is the only PADI certified diving shop on the island. Various programs are prepared from experience diving that even beginners can enjoy, fan diving, license training, and you can enjoy diving safely and comfortably.
- Kyushu
- Kagoshima
- Amami Oshima Islands, Okinoerabujima
- Snorkeling
- Whale watching
- Experience diving (beginner OK)
Why don't you enjoy diving to your heart's content in Amami Oshima, a "healing paradise"? At "Diving Service Studione" in Koniya, the southern part of Amami Oshima, we are waiting for everyone from beginners to experienced people.
- Kyushu
- Kagoshima
- Amami Oshima Islands, Okinoerabujima
- Snorkeling
- Experience diving (beginner OK)
- Obtaining a diving license
The shop was opened in 1998. The name "Kohoro" comes from the island language, and the "heart" staff is also a person who loves Amami Oshima. I also go to the sea and mountains on holidays. .. .. The staff who know Amami Oshima thoroughly provide sincere service to each and every customer who is a diver.
- Kyushu
- Kagoshima
- Amami Oshima Islands, Okinoerabujima
- Experience diving (beginner OK)
- Fun diving (license required)
In the relaxing diving service, there are many camera divers, so leave it to us to shoot underwater! We have a relaxing courtyard and terrace where you can relax during breaks, and the shallow beach in front of you, so we have prepared the perfect space for snorkeling. Please feel free to contact us as you can feel free to participate alone.
- Kyushu
- Kagoshima
- Amami Oshima Islands, Okinoerabujima
- Experience diving (beginner OK)
- Fun diving (license required)
Okinoerabujima diving specialty shop GT Divers Okinoerabujima. Fan diving and experience diving in Okinoerabu are held at any time!
- 4.1
- (6 reviews)
- Kyushu
- Kagoshima
- Amami Oshima Islands, Okinoerabujima
- Snorkeling
- Whale watching
- Experience diving (beginner OK)
Amami Oshima Diving Shop-Native Sea Amami. Please feel free to contact us from fan diving, experience diving, snorkeling, one person. It is a diving shop that guides you to the northern and central parts of Amami Oshima. For diving in Amami Oshima, please leave it to the guide Native Sea Amami, who is kind, polite, and tailored to the guests.
- 3.2
- (6 reviews)
- Kyushu
- Kagoshima
- Amami Oshima Islands, Okinoerabujima
- Snorkeling
- Whale watching
- Experience diving (beginner OK)
Marine Sports Amami has a store in Naze, Amami City, the center of Amami. If you stay in Naze, there are cheap guesthouses to cheap hotels, and it is convenient to eat delicious local food in the downtown area at night and to move to each tourist facility. Since there is a shop in the center and owns two ships, it is also the only shop in Amami where you can dive into the points of northern, central and southern Amami Oshima.
- 4.7
- (3 reviews)
- Kyushu
- Kagoshima
- Amami Oshima Islands, Okinoerabujima
- Experience diving (beginner OK)
- Obtaining a diving license
- Fun diving (license required)
Diving service Tida is a shop that values the encounter with guests while imagining a relaxing space with the catchphrase "relaxing and self-paced".
- Kyushu
- Kagoshima
- Amami Oshima Islands, Okinoerabujima
- Experience diving (beginner OK)
- Fun diving (license required)
A pension with a diving shop on Amami Oshima's Minami and Kakeroma Island! You can relax by yourself, or you can go out with your friends, and you can be yourself on the best island of Kakeroma!
- 5.0
- (1 review)
- Kyushu
- Kagoshima
- Amami Oshima Islands, Okinoerabujima
- Snorkeling
- Experience diving (beginner OK)
- Fun diving (license required)
This shop is located at the southernmost tip of Amami Oshima, about 2 hours by car from Amami Airport. We are waiting for you with facilities and staff to enjoy a comfortable resort dive. You can enjoy the great outdoors while slowly flowing in the middle of the Amami Islands National Park!
- 5.0
- (1 review)
- Kyushu
- Kagoshima
- Amami Oshima Islands, Okinoerabujima
- Snorkeling
- Canoe / kayak
- Whale watching
We value the care of beginners. This is the most important thing than any service! Endless blue is the most important thing. Whether you are just starting out, diving for the first time in a while, or of course veterans, we will do our best to make everyone enjoyable. Let's enjoy diving to the fullest without anxiety and stress!